Migration and development

Migration and Development

Migration and Development

PSDI is globally connected and strategically located in different areas of professional practice forms, bringing together a team of researchers, policy makers and implementers as well as members of the Diplomatic coup, Development partners and Civil Society working on migration and development discourse, with special focus on Africa.

We provide consulting and advisory services on topical and contemporary migration and Development Migration data for development; Sustainable Development Goals and Migration; Migration Governance; Global Compact on Migration thematic actions analysis- Country score card development; Migration Situation Analysis (MSA); Migration and Gender Analysis; Migration data flow monitoring and evaluation; Migration Meta data analysis.

We provide advisory services in development of Migration Profiles; Evaluation of Migration policies and programs; Migration data frameworks and needs assessment; Migration and Health assessments and training; Climate change and migration; Integrated border management; Social protection of migrants and vulnerable host communities; Migration and health programs and policies; Technical Assistance to governments and institutions in migration research, policy and practice.

We develop country customized migration handbooks in Production and Use of Migration Data for Development; Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning; human rights protection of migrants in vulnerable situations; Mainstreaming Migration in Development Policies for Successful Local Management of Migration and Displacement; Mapping local authorities’ practices in the area of migration and development; Social Protection for Migrants.

We promote collaboration on migration initiatives through advocacy, partnerships and cross-border partnership building.  We particularly raise awareness on the role of migration policy frameworks promotion of media awareness of migration issues and economic cooperation. As well as Promotion of multi-stakeholder cooperation and States, Regional Economic Communities in migration issues. These include academia and IOM itself in an effort to standardize and share the best international practices in migration issues.

Our existence is informed by the fact that globally, discourses on migration continue to be Euro-centric and as such the recognition of migration issues in planning on the African continent is limited. Studies on migration in the context of Africa needs to be encouraged and harnessed. Our quest for research spans from an understanding that African migration should shaped by perspectives and attitudes, policy debates and practices, and response by institutions including civil society organizations. In this regard, PSDI seeks to contribute towards Afro-centric migration narratives while acknowledging the global contribution on migration studies. We view migration as a seed of a brighter African future where everybody moves on the global home as a matter of choice not desperation and has a place to capture and nurture their global changing ideas:

Specifically, we focus on:

  1. Developing research capacities in Africa and enhance knowledge in migration research through training of researchers especially young scholars especially women;
  2. Providing high–level advice and research services for policy makers at national, sub-regional and regional levels and assist in raising the quality of migration data collection, storage and analysis by authorities concerned.
  3. Using evidence to design and implement programs and interventions to address migration challenges
  4. Raising national and international migration and development issues and discourse at the highest political and technical levels and ensure that the migrants are at the center in development activities.
  5. Developing capacities of relevant government departments to better understand, plan and implement migration and development policies and programs through training, policy advice and technical assistance.
  6. Developing continuously professional development short courses for government and non-government organization officials to enhance understanding of migration and development issues.
  7. Networking and partnerships with migrants, individuals, civil society organizations, migration agencies and other stakeholders to advocate for migrant inclusive policies and strategies


We seek to contribute to the realisation of sustainable development by enabling the design and implementation of effective development policies and programs that put population, people, and persons at the centre.


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