Social Protection

Globally, social protection systems are crucial at preventing and reducing poverty. Formal social protection in Africa is still limited to a few in the formal employment. Majority of the poor and vulnerable population in informal employment live without any form of formal social protection and largely survive on informal social protection arrangements. With limited formal social protection, the SDG number one goal of eradicating poverty and implementing national social protection remains a dream than a reality.

As an institute, we exist to:

  • Support governments and all development partners to design social protection policies that are all inclusive rather focus on the formally employed
  • Systematic involvement of all stake holders such as beneficiaries in policy design and programs
  • Improve the capacity of informal social protection systems to address local risks
  • Research into policy revision, formulation, and design, tailored to the needs of individual groups


We seek to contribute to the realisation of sustainable development by enabling the design and implementation of effective development policies and programs that put population, people, and persons at the centre.


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